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S. Cecilia Festivity

S. Cecilia Festivity

22 November 2019 Holy Eucharist 6.00 pm at Basilica S. Maria Maggiore (Salus Populi Romani Chapel) chaired by His Eminence Card. Angelo De Donatis (Vicar of His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome)

Festa S. Cecilia

Festa S. Cecilia

22 novembre 2019 Santa Eucaristiaore 18.00 presso Basilica S. Maria Maggiore (Cappella Salus Populi Romani)presieduta da S. Card. Angelo De Donatis (Vicario di Sua Santità per la Diocesi di Roma)

Open entries to the “Studium Evangelii Gaudium”

Open entries to the “Studium Evangelii Gaudium”

Enrollments to the Studium Evangelii Gaudium for female students, researchers and university professors are open. Experience of study between different languages and cultures, friendship, solidarity and spirituality. For information, please contact Prof. Elisabetta Casadei: email to; or phone 349.3237566.
